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Extra services available


Transfer from Airports and Ports of Catania, Comiso and Pozzallo

For bookings of:
7 Day = 1 transfer Gratis

Offers not valid for the single room and can not be combined


Rent a scooter

Customers who will stay in our hotel will have free rental of a scooter for each room. The offer does not include the cost of fuel and the scooter will be delivered after breakfast, after any possible reservations with the room. The offer is not valid for the months of July and August, do not apply to the individual and are not cumulative.

Gym for life

Free gym for our customers

During your stay at our hotel, you can freely use the fully equipped and professional paletra in an external structure 30 meters away.

Classic bicycle

Bike rental free

Bicycles at your disposal throughout your stay, to explore our fantastic coastline in complete tranquility.

Offer also valid for single rooms.



B&B Spiagge Iblee

Via donnalucata, 31
Marina di Ragusa, RG 97100

P.IVA: 00956880884
CIR: 19088009C101423

C: +39 333 56 25 809
Ragusa Arte e cultura
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